those of you who have been following, C is Twincy and J is Twinjay
This is what the 4x4 dressing room at the store
feels like. The kind women at the store helped me squeeze into the room in
order to nurse Twinjay who had begun to cry. While answering Elliana’s many
questions, and maneuvering the double stroller with one hand, I finally got all
4 of us into the room. It was like learning how to do a K-turn into a parking spot where you think you can
squeeze into but you aren’t 100% sure -
while you have an audience. The
saleswoman nicely shut the door for us since I was now wedged in, couldn’t
reach the door handle from that angle, and had not yet unbuckled the crying

I was pleasantly surprised that Twincy was facing the
mirror, which I thought would keep her occupied. So, I began nursing a now
almost-frantic Twinjay.
decided that Elizabeth (aka her baby doll Big Baby who was recently “born” and
renamed) also needed to be nursed. She very seriously “nursed” her, which
consisted of plastering her face to her tummy – about belly button level- and
draping her shirt over Elizabeth’s face. Meanwhile, Twinjay is happily eating
as though she hasn’t eaten in days and Twincy has a front row seat to what she
deems completely unfair. Twinjay is eating and she isn’t. So, we sat there,
sweating in the store with the broken AC while Twincy broke into full wails and
Twinjay continued to nurse. I wondered how many customers were bothered by this
racket as the store was about the size of our family room. It was so hot the
mirror started to steam and the babies’ tiny bits of hair began to curl as it
only does when they are completely sweaty. As soon as there was the slightest
indication that Twinjay was done, I put her in the carseat (barely burped) and
rescued Twincy. Elliana was now done feeding Elizabeth and full of questions
about why we couldn’t get out of the dressing room yet.
I fed Twincy and was finally able to
reach over the double stroller, unlock the door, and maneuver the stroller out
the door with one hand while holding Twincy in the other and verbally directing
Elliana to the register.
After paying for the slippers and accepting multiple offers
to help open the door for us as we left (the store was almost empty once we
emerged from the dressing room – no idea if we cleared it out or not), we were
in daylight again. In fact, it
almost seemed cooler outside.
Following a quick stop next door to the toy store (not
because I’m crazy but because they assured me the teething toy I was seeking
was sold there), we headed to the car. Just as we go to the car I leaned to
start disassembling the double stroller and Elliana hopped up (as 3-year olds
spontaneously do) and knocked right into my mouth. Literally, I could feel my
lip swelling instantly. Minor blood but immediate swelling. Fantastic. I began conjuring images from Hitch and tried to use it as a teaching moment for Elliana
to still ask if someone is ok even if she didn’t intend to hurt them (her
initial reaction was just to tell me to put a bandaid on it in a less than
concerned voice). After our brief discussion she looked really sad which broke
my heart and wasn’t my intention at all. Always trying. That’s what I tell
myself. Always trying. Next time maybe I’ll know the exact right thing to say.

I walk around to the driver side and get a whiff of an awful
odor. My initial reaction was, ah, this was the reason for fussing. At least
one of those poor babies needed a diaper change. Poor kid. Yet, a moment later
I recognized the stink and was amazed it was still with us! On our way out we
had been unable to avoid driving over remains of some roadkill. It was
indistinguishable upon sight but moments later recognized as a skunk.
Apparently, they still really stink when dead and with each revolution of the
tire the stench wafted into our car through the AC vents. So, this stink is
going to continue to accompany us for some more driving pleasure. Truly, there
is nothing I can do about this one so home we go.
As we drive, I try to answer Elliana’s chatterbox
questions. Twinjay starts fussing
again and one side of my mouth starts to swell shut so, while I answer
questions, that half literally just stayed closed. Awesome.
The 7-minute drive home felt much longer, as it always does,
when there are crying kids in the car. Once in the driveway, I quickly begin my
dance of getting as many things in the house as possible while strategically
removing kids. If Elliana is out first she’s mobile and that can be a problem,
especially if she decides she doesn’t want to come inside OR is going to “help”
with her sisters while I’m shuttling items. Sometimes, her version of help is
squeeze/stress relief with a baby arm as the object of choice. Not at all
comforting to a Mom who just sometimes wants to be able to step out of the room
and know all 3 of her kids will live to see her walk back in.

Alas, we are all inside. And, while I was getting lunch on
the table, Twinjay scooted. She scooted!! I was as proud and overjoyed as only
a sleep-deprived Mom can be. I reached for the phone to call Spencer when I realized
my cell must be in the car…in the bottom of the collapsed stroller. Not fun. So
I got the house phone (yes, we still have one, long story) and left him a voice
mail. Truly, 2 minutes later, Twincy scooted too! Each had gone a full body
length and I was beyond thrilled by their accomplishments! I ran outside to get
my cell to now call my Mom in hopes of actually reaching someone live. I
positioned Elliana at the front door to watch me as much to protect her sisters
as to keep her in-the-know. Now, popping open the stroller isn’t really that
cumbersome but the stroller is heavy and I’m still recuperating from Lyme
Disease. So, today’s outing alone was exhausting. Instead of opening it to get
my cell phone and, good to see, my wallet, I tried fitting my arm through the
bars of the stroller. Naturally, as soon as I did the phone slid to the very
bottom and I couldn’t reach. Stubbornly, I began turning the stroller and
reaching from every angle until I surmised that I’d already expended more
energy than I would have if I’d opened the stroller in the first place. So, I
relented, got wallet and cell and ran back inside.
Thankfully, Mom answered her phone at work. Elliana caught
wind of my excitement and began racing around the house crowing that her
sisters had scooted. “Good for fun, my sisters scooted!”.

And so, once the hubbub died down we all had lunch. Elliana
happily chomping away and me, eating through the half of my mouth that still
opened. Somehow, it still tasted good and I was happy. Nobody was crying, we
were no longer in the dressing room, and I had worn a black shirt so maybe,
just maybe, my pouring sweat wasn’t obvious at the store. I can dream, can’t I?
Oh my gosh, I start to sweat just reading this!! Although I do feel bad that my laughter is at your expense!!