Our rescheduled date fell on a perfect weekend. Spencer was
going to be working almost all day Saturday and Sunday. So, the Friday night
outing was to be our getaway before the long haul. Still, the preparation to
make it possible leaves me almost contemplating a staycation.
I started the day by going to the store with the twins after
dropping Elliana at school. This always tires me out, but we needed to have
dinner ready for Elliana in order to go out tonight. So, I headed into the
store “wearing” Twincy in the Moby while Twinjay, still in the carseat carrier,
was nestled into the grocery cart. However, because Twinjay and Twincy are
facing each other, this causes Twinjay to crack up. Literally, I was pushing a
cart, with a chuckling baby, up and down aisles. The funny part is that people
often think I only have one child with me (the one I’m wearing). They must think I stash the carseat in
the cart for convenience (note: it is NOT convenient, just a necessity).
Consequently, there are surprised looks from shoppers as they realize the
giggles are coming from a live baby and, shocker, I have twins!
So, laugh-fest aside, I try to get out of the store and home
in time to get the babies down for their normal naptime. This is tricky because
Twincy often falls asleep in the car and I’m left to decide if I should wake
her or not. As expected, this happened. But, by some luck, I was able to
transfer them both to their cribs. Since their naps aren’t always predictable
in length, I didn’t try to nap and instead raced around the house trying to
accomplish as much as possible. And when I say “race”, I use that term
loosely. What I really mean is
that I’m at least not moving at a turtle’s pace any longer.
Before I know it, it’s time to get Elliana. So, I actually
wake the babies, put them right into the carseats and drive to school for
pick-up. After the whole lunch and naptime insanity (truly, there’s no other
word for the dance that, if successful, culminates with three well-fed,
sleeping children) I have a million things to get to. I have intentions of
washing my jeans, typing up babysitter instructions, doing dishes, and taking a
shower before the sitters come (yes, plural, we wouldn’t sick our brood on one
victim for bedtime – that delight is left solely for me). However, I am FAR too
tired to even begin. I set my cell phone alarm and crash on the couch with
hopes of actually sleeping.

I never did communicate what I intended to Spencer. None of
my words made sense and I couldn’t think through the thick fog that was
encompassing my brain. So, I abandoned that plan and began attacking the house.
Spencer caught wind and followed suit and soon we could actually see the floors

I gave Celeven a tour of the house and promised I’d
print the instructions prior to leaving. Then, I handed her a baby and headed
off to shower. My intention was to leave by 6pm, but it was already almost that
time and I was anything but clean. I mentally chucked several more items from
my list and raced to the bathroom.
You would think I had my clothes planned and ready for our
date, but the twins have been spitting up a lot for the past two days and I
never did get my jeans into the wash. So, I headed to the closet and tried on
jeans that haven’t fit since before I was pregnant. Who knows, right, anything
can happen! To my shock, I could pull them all the way up and, drum roll, close
them comfortably with NO BELLA BAND (truly, I LOVE that band, but not needing
it was almost as satisfying as going out for a few hours!). Almost is the key word there.
Once I was dressed, I finished typing instructions and
welcomed our other sitter, Nanaville, to the house. It’s been weeks since we’ve
seen her and she’s practically an extension of our family. I almost wanted to
stay home just to catch up with her! Again, almost is the key word.
Meanwhile, Elliana decided that our outing was basically
abandonment. Nevermind the fact that she talks about Nanaville daily and has
been asking when Celeven will get here all week. Now that the time has come, I
watch a roller coaster of emotions work through her little body, which finally
collapsed on the floor. Thankfully, she was easily distracted with coloring and
soon forgot her recent “orphan” status.
Hugs, kisses, a few last suggestions for bedtime.
Finally, as if we were shot out of a canon, Spencer and I
exit the house. We are free and we sit in the car, in almost dumb silence. The
potential for what we could do with these next few hours, and the silence in
which we could complete thoughts and, dare I say, conversations, is almost
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