Me, of course.
Elliana has basically abandoned her little potty for a
bigger throne. So, you can imagine my surprise when she lifted up the lid to
reveal a gelatinous substance with a wad of paper stuck in the middle.
Apparently, she’d peed quite a while ago and it had never been emptied. The
odor was sickening.
So, I quickly whisked the potty pail downstairs to be
sanitized. It occurred to me, in a fleeting thought, that it could be dangerous
to leave the potty accessible when the pail wasn’t in place. This is especially
true because it’s not immediately obvious if the pail is absent. I have to
admit, the thought crossed my mind more than once, which should have told me I
was on to something. Instead, I dismissed it to attend to more pressing matters.
The pail sat, idle, for days.
Along came Wednesday, and with it Elliana was in rare form.
She was wound up and ended up spending some time in her room to calm down so we
could all coexist safely (a.k.a. not harm her sisters by insane indoor
gymnastics or “accidentally” biting one of them). The retreat didn’t seem to
bother her at all, and soon she was immersed with dollhouse play.

While she’d been playing, she had needed a stool in order to
access a portion of her dollhouse. So, she took the bathroom stool into her
room. Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be a problem. However, this wasn’t just any
stool. It’s the famous potty that doubles as a step stool. During the course of play, she must
have needed to go to the bathroom and decided there was no reason to leave her
bedroom since she already had a potty right there.

There was no time to discuss the downstairs incident, as the
carpet needed attention quickly. I extracted the potty from the bedroom and
returned it to the bathroom. Then, I raced around for supplies to remove all
traces of the urine that now decorated her bedroom floor.
Truly, I had this coming. I didn’t know how, or when, but by leaving
the main component of this unit MIA for days…something was bound to happen.
Now, I know what.
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